From Inside Adversitology

From the Introduction, page 8: The Adversitometer

Download The Adversitometer

From Chapter 7, page 130: Share your “opposites” stories here

Believer’s Non-Belief Stories

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Non-Believers Belief Stories

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From Chapter 8, page 144: Time to Terminate

Time to Terminate

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From Chapter 8, page 144: Laura’s Top 5 Days!


Moving to New York City:
The day I moved to New York City was a massive milestone for me. It was a day that I had envisioned since I was a little girl. Everything I had done up to that point in my life was to get me to New York. I felt a sense of arrival, and my younger self was proud of me that day.

Laura McKinney


My 22 birthday:
Usually, my birthdays are big extravaganzas, but my 22nd birthday was different. I turned 22 doing a global pandemic when not much was open for me to do. So, I just spent it with the people closest to me doing the simple things I love. We went paddle boarding in the morning, laid in the sun during the day, and I then hosted my friends for a small dinner party at my home, followed by cake and then a dance party for seven people in my living room. I remember thinking I’d never been happier or more grateful for a moment. It taught me that quality and simple time with quality people is better than anything in the world.


Finishing my first marathon:
In 2018, I joined the lottery for the New York City marathon. Not expecting to get in, I did not train. I got into the race, ran the marathon without an ounce of training, and finished with flying colors. This taught me that life is very mental. If you tell yourself you can do something, you can do it if you commit to the task right in front of you!


Going on a cross-country road trip with my best friend:
This was a one-month-long experience. But there were days within this month that altered how I looked at the world. I am the type of person who has always lived by a schedule and likes to have control. During this road trip, we drove without a schedule or knowing where we were sleeping that night. I was a true free spirit for the first time in my life, and I allowed myself to feel my youth and said yes to things I usually would’ve said no to. I was really proud of myself for this. These days taught me not to take life so seriously and the beauty in prioritizing FUN!


My last day of high school:
I felt so present on this day. I think it was because I knew, in a way, this was the last day of my true childhood. I knew once I graduated high school, I was going to leave the routine and bubble I’d known for 18 years and never come back to that point in my life. The pancakes that my mom made me for breakfast every morning before school for the last 14 years tasted even sweeter that morning. The way my dad hugged me goodbye before I got in the car felt warmer that morning. I enjoyed the last days of knowing every person in my class and then partying with my friends on the beach after the final bell. I physically felt the time in my life passing, the page turning. It was a beautiful and vivid day.

From Chapter 9, page 159: Your 3 major turning points, big breakthroughs, or significant revelations

Y Not u?

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From the Epic Epilogue, page 169: Weekly Priority Sheet (PDF)

My Life